Monday, December 8, 2014

Who You'll See at Estate Sales

In Roslyn and other parts of Long Island NY

The people who frequent estate and tag sales in Long Island are a lot like the items they purchase; diverse. Estate sales are great events that draw a variety of individuals. Here are the types of folks you'll most likely run into at one.

New Homeowners

Young couples, bachelors, even a group of college kids moving into a house for  the semester; all with one goal at an estate sale. Add items – furniture, dishes, etc – into their presumably empty houses.

Dealers and Antique Collectors

You can't miss these visitors. They are the one's taking their time, carefully inspecting the items that may hold some sort exceptional vintage worth. Another way of identifying antique dealers is that they are often the first ones arriving at a tag sale and they are the most determined to purchase the finer, higher quality items. This can range from fine antiques, jewelry, art, Quality furnishings (antique, traditional or contemporary), Mid century furnishings and decorative objects and even vintage musical instruments. Just in this last week we sold the 1956 Fender Telecaster in the picture above for more than $14,000. The best Antique Collectors can spot a true antique with just a glance.

Other Long Island Residents

Yes, an estate sale is beneficial to the buyer, but don't forget that they also benefit the seller. When you buy something at an estate sale, your helping the seller – in this situation, your fellow Long Island neighbor – accomplish a goal.

Full of Surprizes, embraces all who visit the estate and tag sales we hold. It means just as much to us as it does to the seller that you are helping out with the liquidation of the estate.

Visit our website or call (516)-315-3102 for more information on upcoming sales!

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